Sacramento Valley Veterinary Medical Association
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Why Are Wait Times Longer in Veterinary Hospitals?
VCA Animal Hospitals has offered a document which has been created to share with clients to provide more information about veterinary healthcare, mental health and pet ownership. Highlights are given below
For the full document, click here.
More Exams Needed
Pet Ownership is at an All-Time High
30% of Americans adopted a pet during the Pandemic
70% of all US households (90.5 million families) now own at least one pet
This constitutes 388,000 additional households since 2019
Mental Health
Burnout is on the Rise
Veterinarians are listed as having one of the highest suicide rates
1 in 6 DVM's have contemplated suicide
Pre-pandemic, 50% of veterinary technicians left the field after 5 years due to the toll of the job. This number is higher now
50% of veterinary receptionists have left the field since the start of the pandemic
Burnout scores for all veterinary staff were 9.4% higher in 2021 than 2020
Fewer Veterinarians
There is a National Shortage of Veterinarians
10,000 baby boomers retire daily: 1 in 3 US veterinarians is a boomer
32 US-accredited veterinary schools graduate just 3,200-3,700 new DVMs per year
Each current DVM serves anywhere from 1,000 - 3,000 households
We'd love to hear from you
Alison Moralez
Executive Secretary